Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) can be a fantastic way to obtain a wealth of information about biological structures and processes. Unfortunately the conditions inside a TEM are not particularly hospitable for biological tissues. To successfully pass electrons through TEM specimens, they must be thinner than a wavelength of visible light, resistant to hard vacuum and completely dehydrated. (In other words: dead!)
Preparing biological specimens for TEM therefore requires preservation, dehydration and embedding of the sample for sectioning on an ultramicrotome. Specimen preparation is arguably the most important factor in acquiring high quality images, so here is a generic (“benchtop”) protocol that we use as a guide when preparing samples for ultra-thin sectioning. See below the protocol for important notes... but first...
DISCLAIMER: This protocol is meant strictly as a guide for persons with a high level of technical competency. I do not provide a warranty of any kind for the quality of specimens prepared using it, and I cannot be held responsible in any way. Do not use this guide if you are unqualified or unsure. Read the MSDS for all chemicals and reagents before use, and use the correct personal protective equipment. Fear osmium, because it can kill you.
Generic Benchtop Specimen Preparation:
Step | Reagent | Time |
Primary Fixation | 4% PFA in Buffer | 1 hour |
Secondary Fixation | 2.5% GA in Buffer | 1 hour |
3-5x Buffer Wash | 0.1M Buffer | 10 min |
Tertiary Fixation | 1% OsO4 (aq) in Buffer | 1 hour |
1-2x Buffer Wash | 0.1M Buffer | 10 min |
3x Water Wash | MilliQ Water | 10 min |
En Bloc Staining | 2% Uranyl Acetate | 1 hour |
3x Water Wash | MilliQ Water | 10 min |
Dehydration | 50% Ethanol | 10 min |
Dehydration | 70% Ethanol | 10 min |
Dehydration | 90% Ethanol | 10 min |
Dehydration | 100% Ethanol | 10 min |
Dehydration | 100% Ethanol | 10 min |
Dehydration | 100% Transition Solvent | 15 min |
Dehydration | 100% Transition Solvent | 15 min |
Infiltration | Solvent:Resin (3:1) [25%] | 1 hour |
Infiltration | Solvent:Resin (1:1) [50%] | 1 hour |
Infiltration | Solvent:Resin (1:3) [75%] | 1 hour |
Infiltration | Resin 100% | 1.5 hour |
Embedding | Resin 100% @ 60-70°C | 24 hour |
PFA = Paraformaldehyde
GA = Glutaraldehyde
OsO4 = Osmium Tetroxide
Reagent Note:
The buffers, transition solvents and resins are often tailored to specific projects. A good starting point would be 0.1M Phosphate Buffer, Acetone and Epon-Araldite (aka. Procure-Araldite).
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